Three up North Arts Collective is three friends
from three cities across Canada. Toronto, Montreal and Saskatoon. The
collective began to meet online during the 2020 global pandemic as
a way to discuss creative ideas and brainstorm how they could help to
keep the spirit of interactive Burning Man art alive in a digital world.
Made up of three completely different types of artists including Jackie
a choreographer, director and performing artist, Naomi Rae a visual
artist and graphic designer and Moses a creative computer programmer,
this collective has found a unique method of collaboration which has
allowed them to collectively continue their creativity.
Contact them at 3upnortharts(at)gmail.com.

The Intention Generator features the enigmatic and playa wizened character Sternva Eldera.
She brings forth a mixture of philosophy, word-play, and whimsy in her offerings.
All travellers seeking across, around and through the online multiverse are offered intentions, motivations and inspirations.
If you need more, you can "Try Again." Visit her as often as you like.
Did you know her name is an anagram?